Beacon Ridge Title 

Beacon Ridge’s Course Routing

eacon Ridge is an original design that is set along the coast of Maine. The course was released in April of 1995 and it offers a little of everything. You will find a lot of hills, water, sand, woods, meadows and my favorite, the landmark lighthouse. The course itself plays long and difficult from the championship tees, especially if the wind is up. More details on Beacon Ridge can be found in the text file that is included with the course.

Beacon Ridge’s 1st HoleView from the fairway of the 1st hole.

Beacon Ridge’s 4th HoleOn the tee of the 4th hole.

Beacon Ridge’s Scorecard

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total
Par 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 5 72
Gold 418 421 552 213 376 437 501 181 397 440 386 197 576 429 389 426 205 512 7056
Blue 408 402 544 194 354 416 474 170 368 421 354 192 568 408 384 408 176 485 6726
White 384 389 520 178 330 394 469 152 357 405 338 178 562 392 376 394 162 472 6452
Red 362 376 490 162 317 376 453 141 330 389 320 154 530 365 368 362 130 440 6065

*All holes measured to the center of the green.

If you are interested in downloading the JNSE course, you can do so by selecting the following link:


Remember that you will need PKZip 2.04g or an equivalent decompression utility to unzip the file.